That’s the Truth (FmF)


Just linking up with Lisa Jo Baker for Five minute Friday. Word prompt: truth

God sees you crumpled up by life.

Gently, he picks you up, smoothing out creases. He holds you like a child holds a caterpillar.

He saw the way you were hurt. And when you cried, his tears mingled with yours.

The day you felt alone, you were wrong. He was there.

No whimper went unnoticed by the one who sees each sparrow fall.

But the silence felt so overwhelming. And when the lies came they were easy to swallow.

To believe God doesn’t care. That no one cares.

To believe you are unimportant, worthless. But I know the truth.

John 15:13 “Greater love has no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.”

The lie is you don’t matter.

The truth is – God loves you so much he gave his most prized possession to redeem you. So that one day you can live with him forever.

The lie is you’re useless.

The truth is – He has plans for you that you don’t know yet.

The lie is you’re worthless.

The truth is – when you believe what Jesus did, you become God’s child.

The lies try to silence the truth. But it’s there. Always there, waiting for us to acknowledge it.

This is the truth: God loves you.

He was there when you were formed in your mother’s womb. He fashioned every part of you.

Hold onto the truth. And when the lies rush at you like relentless waves, remember what’s true.

And rest. For the Father loves you.

And that’s the truth.

12 thoughts on “That’s the Truth (FmF)

    • Shakti,
      Thanks for reading. God’s grace can be nothing else but uplifting. As far as empowering. He tells us that when we accept His Son and what he did for us on the cross, that the same power that raised Jesus from the dead is alive and works in us. There is nothing like God’s empowerment. He is the all-powerful one.


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