About me

Anne Peterson 300dpi

So glad you stopped by. Come on in and I’ll make us some tea.

Why don’t we get to know each other? I’ll go first. Since I love lists, I’ll share one with you.

32 Facts about me:

My start

1.  Both sets of my grandparents emigrated to America from Greece.

2.  When I was five, we visited Greece for six months and I got kicked by a cow.

3.  We once had two rabbits named the Lone Ranger and Tonto.

4.  I fell in love with poetry by reading Robert Louis Stevenson’s book,  A Child’s Garden of Verses.

5.  As a little girl, I always wanted a Chatty Cathy doll and never got one.

6.  I realized my love for writing when I won a writing contest in the 5th grade.

7.  I tried out for a musical and made it, but never sang a note.

Growing up fast

8.  Losing my mother when I was sixteen changed my life.

9.  As a grocery cashier, I once chased a customer out of the store over a couple packages of Koolaid.

10. I married my husband on his three day pass and then we moved to Germany.

11. I learned how to drive when I was 34 and actually drove on the Autobahn in Europe.

12. I once broke my little finger trying to stop the sled my son and I rode. I do not recommend it.

13. The best souvenir I brought home from Germany was my infant daughter.

14. I once memorized and recited the first chapter of James and the whole book of I John to pay for half my trip to Israel.

15. In Israel, I floated in the dead sea, had communion outside the garden tomb and climbed Masada.

16. I rode a camel and a donkey. No, not at the same time.

17. I returned to school after a twenty-five year leave, and graduated with honors.

18. In one class I got to hold a human brain in my hand.


19. My poetry has been sold in stores since 1995. You can see some with Christian Book Stores.

20. I once turned down an offer from Dayspring Card Company.

21. One of my poems, I’d Marry You Again, was shown on Extreme Makeover House Edition.

22. I have written and published over 42 Bible studies as well as 27 articles with Christianity Today. Articles like this one, and this one, and even this one.

23. I am a Tribe Writer and once interviewed Jeff Goins.

24. My sister was the victim of domestic violence. I wrote about her story in BROKEN: A Story of Abuse and Survival.

25. Since 2012, I have published five books, three of which are children’s books.

26.  One of my articles, Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes When Giving,  reached 24K people and was one of their top posts in 2014.

27. See the trailer for my first children’s book, Emma’s Wish, a collaboration with my daughter, Jessica Peterson.


27. I am a nervous driver, but a terrible passenger. See number 11.

28. You will not find me gardening. Nope.

29. I hate the cold. No really, I’m serious I HATE it.

30. I am tenacious, although my family spells it –  s t u b b o r n.

31. I am technologically challenged.

32. I am a poet, speaker and writer, but my favorite name is Grandma.

Well the water’s boiling again. Ready for a second cup. And I think I have some cookies here.